
ESO Conducts Field Work to Update the Household Register

Staff from the Economics and Statistics Office will be in various communities across all districts starting Wednesday, January 20th, 2021, collecting basic housing information necessary to update the ESO’s, Household Register.

The Household Register is a list of all household addresses in the Cayman Islands. It is used as the sampling frame from which samples are selected for Labour Force Surveys.

The Household Register is usually updated prior to the start of the Labour Force Survey and a Population and Housing Census. The household register update will be conducted in all five districts of Grand Cayman and Sister Islands. The update requires trained enumerators to visit proposed, or newly constructed dwellings based on building permits information from the Planning Department.

ESO staff members can be identified by their ESO IDs; therefore, the ESO advises that community members should always ask the field workers to present their IDs before providing any information. They may also call the hotline at 345-516-3329 for verification of enumerators or to express any concerns they may have.