
Spring 2024 Labour Force Survey and Quality of Life Survey Starts Sunday, 28th April 2024

The Spring Labour Force Survey (LFS) and Quality of Life Survey (QLS) conducted by the Economics and Statistics Office (ESO) will begin on Sunday, 28th April 2024.

The LFS seeks to collect data on employed and unemployed persons in the Cayman Islands, as well as those who are not in the labour force. The QLS seeks to gather information on life satisfaction, sense of well-being, financial security, economic outlook, loneliness, social inclusion, sense of belonging to the local community, and perceived health.

Trained interviewers with ESO ID cards will administer the survey to approximately 2,000 randomly selected households.

The ESO thanks the households who have already participated in previous surveys and is asking for support in this upcoming Spring 2024 survey.

The data collected is kept in the strictest confidence as mandated by the Statistics Act (2016 Revision). Individual data will not be published or used outside the ESO and is exempted from the Freedom of Information requests.                                        

For further information on any aspect of the survey or results of previous surveys, contact the Economics & Statistics Office at 516-3329, 949-0940, or visit www.eso.ky.