
Did you know?

2.2% of households are engaged in the production of solar renewable energy.

71.8% of households purchased locally produced food.

36.1% of households engage in recycling/sorting garbage.

91.0% of households have access to internet services.

98.6% of people 10 years and older are considered literate.

16.7% of the population is not affiliated with a religion.

5.3% of the population has no health insurance.

66.3% of total employment in financial services is Caymanian.

94.8% of households have at least one cell phone.

43.2% of households are owned with or without mortgage

The Cayman Islands Government provides health insurance to 18.1% of the population.

People from 162 countries live in the Cayman Islands.

25.4% of the Caymanian population 15 years or older have a bachelor’s or higher degree.

56.7% of all households have housing structure insurance